Review : The Primal Blueprint 90-Day Journal: A Personal Experiment (n=1)
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Main Features : The Primal Blueprint 90-Day Journal: A Personal Experiment (n=1)
The Primal Blueprint 90-Day Journal--A Personal Experiment is a comprehensive diet, exercise, and lifestyle logbook/journal that will help you stay focused, accountable, and motivated to live Primally. In keeping with the n=1 format (an experiment of one), the journal gives you the tools you need to create your own Primal experience. You dial in the exact foods, workout patterns, and supporting lifestyle behaviors you need to "peak" with your physique, fitness goals, and everyday energy and immune function. The 90-Day Journal is the ideal practical guide to support Mark Sisson's bestselling books, The Primal Blueprint and The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation.
The Journal features a spacious, two-page daily spread with assorted options to customize your meals and workouts. Subjective "Success Scores" allow you to record your daily energy, motivation, health, and goal progress, as well as keep notes on your unique personal experiments--for example, "Can I lose excess body fat by ditching grains and sugars from my diet?" And unlike many rigidly structured workout logs and food diaries, this spiral-bound journal allows for plenty of creativity and free-form expression as you track your 90-day journey. Filled with detailed how-to-use instructions, lifestyle suggestions to try, a place to post before and after pictures, and handy Primal resources, this journal is exactly what you need to launch your experiment of one!
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