The Hemochromatosis Cookbook: Recipes and Meals for Reducing the Absorption of Iron in Your Diet
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"The Hemochromatosis Cookbook: Recipes and Meals for Reducing the Absorption of Iron in Your Diet" Feature
Hemochromatosis - an inherited metabolic iron disorder - is one of modern medicine's greatest oversights. For people with metabolic iron disorders, controlling the intake of iron contributes to wellness and the prevention of such chronic diseases as:- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Arthritis
- Liver disease
- Impotence
- Depression
The Hemochromatosis Cookbook is written specifically for those who suffer from such iron disorders. It has chapters on all of the traditional categories found in most cookbooks: appetizers, salads, fruits and vegetables, main courses and casseroles, breads and muffins, and desserts.
In addition, The Hemochromatosis Cookbook provides:
- Easy-to-prepare, reasonably priced recipes that impede the body's absorption of iron
- Food values and tips suggesting substitutions for reduced fat, sodium, and sugar
- Helpful menu planning for busy schedules, cooking for company, or cooking for two
- Diet plans for a typical week, including meals that can be prepared ahead of time and frozen
- A shopping checklist with reminders about iron content
- A chart showing the iron contents of common foods and vitamin supplements
- A general explanation of iron imbalances, such as hereditary hemochromatosis, acquired iron overload, and anemia
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